Alumni Stories

Please join us as we mahalo long-time board member Dana Anderson as she steps down from her role at the end of this year. We will greatly miss Dana, who was essential to the creation of RYSE back in 2014 and helped to set up our organization for success. She also helped set up our shelter sites and leads the monthly hot meals project provided to RYSE from The Parish of St. Clement Church that continues today.
Dana has shown a lifelong commitment to serving her community in the areas of homeless youth, substance abuse recovery, and mental health. Dana is Board Vice President of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Hawaii Chapter and is deeply involved with The Parish of St. Clement Church, where she is a vestry member and does community outreach. We are proud to have Dana with us since the beginning and wish her the best as she moves forward.
Mahalo nui e Dana for your everlasting support to end youth homelessness!

Pictured L-R: Steve Prieto, Jane Anderson, Dana Anderson, Bertie Lee, and Vi Loo at the 2019 RYSE Fundraiser

Our News

Not All Backpacks Carry the Same Weight

RYSE Youth and Moanalua High School Collaborate on New Art Exhibit at the Hawaii State Art Museum

Two Hawaii organizations are finalists in national challenge

"Two Hawaii organizations have the chance to win $100,000 in funding as part of a national challenge. Startup accelerator FoundHer and nonprofit Residential Youth Services and Empowerment, or RYSE, are both finalists in the 2022 Gold Futures Challenge. The annual...

More Help Is Coming For Hawaii’s Homeless Youth

Act 130, recently signed into law, establishes the Safe Spaces for Youth Pilot Program under the Department of Human Services. "At 2 p.m. on a Friday afternoon, teenagers at the Residential Youth Services and Empowerment program have just finished their music therapy...
More Help Is Coming For Hawaii’s Homeless Youth

More Help Is Coming For Hawaii’s Homeless Youth

Act 130, recently signed into law, establishes the Safe Spaces for Youth Pilot Program under the Department of Human Services. "At 2 p.m. on a Friday afternoon, teenagers at the Residential Youth Services and Empowerment program have just finished their music therapy...

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